SOCIB RAMADDA Data Repository
Load a Grid
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RAMADDA Workshop
3.0 Load a Grid
  1. Now we're going to load up some real data.
    1. Go to the top level Data folder
    2. Go to File->New File
    3. Select the AVN grid on your local machine
    4. Note there is now a Data menu. Select Data->NCDump to show the NetCDF metadata.
    5. Click on Add Full Properties
    6. View the metadata in the Properties tab. View the Map (View->Coverage Map
  2. Load another grid file
    1. Go back to the Data folder and upload another grid file.
    2. Open the More... section and select "Add Properties"
    3. Upload the file
  3. Now, lets load this data into the IDV.
    1. Copy this link to the THREDDS catalog into the IDV Catalog Chooser in the Data Chooser:
    2. Navigate to the Data folder and select one of the grids you just loaded.
    3. Create some display - lets publish an image and the bundle back to your RAMADDA server
    4. Go view the published bundle in your browser. Note the Association back to the original data


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