SOCIB RAMADDA Data Repository
Creating and Managing Users
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RAMADDA Workshop
6.1 Creating and Managing Users
You can create and edit user accounts through the Admin Users section.

Lets create a couple of user accounts.

  1. Press New User
  2. In the form specify the user information. For this exercise specify "user1" as the ID. Under Roles specify "test". Specify a easily remembered password for this exercise.
  3. You can optionally create a new Folder that the user will own. Select the People folder.
  4. If you had email enabled for your RAMADDA you can also choose to send an email with the login information.
  5. Press "Create User"
  • From the main user list you can view their activity () or edit their account settings (img src="images/edit.png">)
  • Edit your new user1 account.


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