SOCIB RAMADDA Data Repository
Phone and SMS Integration

Phone and SMS Integration

You can browse through RAMADDA content and create wiki pages, notes, etc., via text messages.

See here to configure your RAMADDA server.

Using SMS

Create a note:
note <name>
some text 
more text
Create a folder:
folder <name>
Create a sms message:
sms <name>
Create a wiki page:
wiki <name>
Append to an existing entry:
add <name of entry>
text to append
If you don't specify an entry for the various commands the current folder will be used by default.
List the entries:
Note: you can access these entries either by name or by index, e.g. this will get the second entry in the list:
get 2
Print the current folder:
Change directory to a folder:
go <folder>
go ..
cd <folder>
Get the link to the entry:
url <entry name>
Get the text of an entry:
get <entry name>
Create a folder, go into it and create a note:
folder some folder
go some folder
note Some note
Logging in:
pass <password>
any command

Using Voice

If RAMADDA has been configured it will also receive voice messages. If the Twilio account is a paid account then the text transcription of the voice will be included in the RAMADDA entry.
Powered by Geode Systems and RAMADDA