SOCIB RAMADDA Data Repository
GPS Data and Services Note: to process GPS data RAMADDA requires TEQC to be installed.

Suggested File Organization

If you have a large number of files we suggest creating the following Folder structure for GPS data:
    Raw  - The original GPS files from the receiver
    RINEX -  RINEX files converted from the raw files
    Solutions - Text solutions (e.g., from OPUS).
    Products - Coordinate files generated, etc

Uploading GPS Data

To create a Folder:
   File->New Folder
and enter the Folder name.

Once created, from that Folder do:

   File->New Entry
Under the Field Project section choose Raw GPS File. Select and upload your file.

To upload multiple files first zip them up. In the upload form open the "More..." section and check on the "Unzip archive" checkbox.

If TEQC is installed then the spatial location, time and station information (if it exists) should be harvested from the file.

Converting GPS Data to RINEX

You can convert one or more raw GPS files into RINEX. From the Folder or the GPS file entry choose the Field Project->Convert to RINEX menu. From this page you can select which raw GPS files should be converted. If you are logged in to RAMADDA you can also specify a Folder to publish the RINEX files to. When publishing RAMADDA will add links between the raw and the generated RINEX entries.

Submitting to OPUS

You can submit one or more RINEX files to OPUS through the Field Project->Submit to OPUS menu. Specify your email address and select which RINEX entries you want to submit. If the RINEX file is of a short duration or if it already has a generated OPUS RAMADDA entry then the checkbox is off by default.

You can specify an antenna and antenna height for each file or, you can specify a single value for all of the submissions.

For now, the next step is manual. OPUS will mail you the results. All you need to do is Copy and Paste the body of the email into the OPUS Solution ingest form. This will create an OPUS entry in RAMADDA and add the appropriate links to the source RINEX files. The UTM, ITRF and LAT/LON coordinates will be extracted and these more refined values will be applied to any linked RINEX or raw GPS files.

Making Control Point Files

When viewing a Folder that contains one or more OPUS result entries you can generate a control point file (i.e., tiepoints) for later use in processing software. Go to the Field Project->Make Control Points menu.

Add a comment, select the OPUS input files to use and optionally select a RAMADDA Folder to publish the results to.

Installing TEQC

To process GPS data RAMADDA requires TEQC to be installed on the repository server.

You then need to specify the path to teqc with the property:

This can be placed in a .properties (e.g., file in the RAMADDA home dir or can be specified in the Admin->Settings properties field.

If you have raw Trimble GPS files you also need to install runpkr which is used to convert the raw files into a form that TEQC can process. To set this define the property:

Powered by Geode Systems and RAMADDA